Wednesday 24 August 2011

week 7b (database)

and now, we are at the last assignment of computer in education for 2011.
for the last task,
we had to create a database. We were told to use OpenOffice base for the student management database.

1) create table that consists of four separate tables (student,parent,curriculum and co-curriculum) with student ID as a primary key.

2)Linked all the tables to the student ID

3)some queries were created from the database.

that's the end of our assignment!
before end it, i just want to say thanks to the lecturers (Mr Tg Norazlan & Puan Fatimah) for their guidances.

happy holiday everyone and see you after raya!

Friday 19 August 2011

week 7a (spreadsheet)

this week we are going to learn about calc and excel.

for assignment 8a, 
(1) we need to plan, create and edit a simple one year personal financial management which is about income and spending (spreadsheet) using Calc.

(2) neme the sheet according to the month for example, January, February, March and so on until December.

(3) to calculate a balance for each month, we need to create a formula and link it between the sheets.

(4) upload the file to Google docs (spreadsheet) and edit it if necessary.

and another assignment, 8a  (Microsoft Office Excel)

o Define name
o Fill Series
o Graph
o Sort
o Filter

these are the functions that we need to learn throughout the lesson. 

 till then,
bye peeps!

Monday 15 August 2011

week 6~

this week, we have been assigned to work on two assignments, Assignment 7a and 7b.
it is all about our creativity of effective multimedia production.

for assignment 7a,
we need to create a presentation kit using Open Office Impress based on assignment 5 which is about mini research.
For good presentation skills, we need to follow the guideline/rule given.
then after that, upload the presentation in Google docs.
As this is the first time we are using Open Office Impress, it's quite difficult for us to make it as a success but if you follow the instructions carefully, then you'll find out that Open Office Impress is very easy and useful!

proceed to the assignment of 7b,
a multimedia courseware is develop by using Windows Movie Maker.
After make a movie, attached it into Microsoft Powerpoint slides.

for this week, the assignments are quite easy and very useful to us!
and of course we did enjoy doing this tasks until it's done!
 buhbye peeps!

Saturday 6 August 2011

week 4 (SPSS)

hye guys.
as usual, new week, new task! excited! aren't you?? =D
so for this week, we're given a task based on the online questionnaire that we did during the last task.
but guys, you need to install the SPSS software first before you proceed.
Then, based on your data (feedback of your online questionnaire),
just sign in google doc and click on your questionnaire doc. It's quite difficult to explain because i need to print screen all the steps so that you can see and understand about this clearly.

Friday 5 August 2011

week 4 (part 2)

hye guys!
so this week, proceed with a journal article after processing and analysing our collected data earlier.

 this is the things that need to be in that journal.

1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature Review
5. Research Approach
6. Finding
7. Discussion
8. Recommendation and Conclusion

As far as i concerned, by using portable computing devices (such as laptops, PDAs, smart phones, and tablet PCs) with wireless networks enables mobility and mobile learning. Mobility allows teaching and learning to extend to spaces beyond the traditional classroom. Within the classroom, mobile learning gives instructors and learners increased flexibility and new opportunities for interaction. Mobile technologies support learning experiences that are collaborative, accessible, and integrated with the world beyond the classroom. 

with that, happy m-learning guys! 


Wednesday 3 August 2011

week 3b (questionnaire)

every week we have been given different kind of assignments.
so this week, me and my partner need to do a survey based on our last topic which is Mobile Learning.
there is only ten questions that everyone need to answer.
it is simple so their feedback are very important to us.

just click the above link to answer.

so from this survey, i can know people's opinion and suggestion about mobile learning.

happy surveying guys!!

Wednesday 27 July 2011



The usage of mobile devices for mobile learning is very increasingly popular. Students in universities nowadays are exposed to mobile learning in distance learning to enhance learning among the students community. The combination of wireless telecommunication and mobile computing is resulting in escalating transformation of educational world.
In order to efficiently achieve usability tailored around, the factors of cognitive, perceptual, motor capabilities and constraints of people in general should be considered. Other than that, the unique characteristics of the users’ physical and social work environment will help to enhance the uses of m-learning.

The use of mobile technologies in education is not restricted to exploiting them for learning activities. Education as a process relies on a great deal of coordination of learners and resources. 


As the mobile technologies are very familiar among the teachers and students nowadays, some implementation problems have been recognized. The small screen size and memory capacity of the mobile phones meant that no detailed feedback about question responses could be given. This is one of the lacks of detailed feedback for learners. Sometimes the questions are not relevant to what a particular student had studied. For the distance education, the compatibility across devices which is despite Java being promoted as a cross-platform environment, it was difficult to get the Java game function in all phones. Other than that, the SMS service was originally free but excessive demand forced the BBC to charge for messages and it makes the cost of some advanced smart phones is quite high. While the issue of small screen makes reading the text and web browsing quite difficult.

Significantly, the students found the hand-held, expansion sleeve and wireless card too large and heavy for comfortable use and the memory card of 54MB is not enough to save data.


As today got loads of devices full with variety functions, the students can thus download lecture materials, audio and video lectures into iPod as it is a portable media player that allows a user to download music, podcasts, audio books and other video. The students can also share information files, work together on a project, provide visual directions or interface with the iPod through a microphone. The flexibility, instant connectivity, mobility associated with mobile learning has given rise to new delivery platforms for teaching and learning. So, some improvements in the learning environment will help such as both faculty and staff have access to ubiquitous learning environment, students have access to the same hardware and software as faculty, cost savings result in replacing desktop computers with laptops and hard wired networks with wireless one and standardization of platforms maximizes access and minimizes need for technical support.

With mobile technologies, teaching and learning process begin to make a breakthrough from small-scale pilots to large departmental and institutional implementations.


3)(UKM library)

Norbert Pachler, Ben Bachmair, John Cook, Gunther Kress, B.B. (2009). Mobile Learning.
(S.M.Jacob, 2008) 
S.M.Jacob, B. I. (2008, March 19-21). The Mobile Devices and its Mobile Learning Usage Analysis. Retrieved July 26, 2011, from
(Seong, 2006)
Seong, D. S. (2006). Usability Guidelines for Designing Mobile . Retrieved July 26, 2011, from

(Tia G. Tucker, 2009)
Tia G. Tucker, W. W. (2009). Mobile Learning for Just-In-Time Applications. Retrieved July 26, 2011, from


as for this week, me and my partner need to do a literature review on topic of Mobile Learning.
throughout the process, i found out that this topic is much more interesting if you know about it deeper.
so if you want to know more, just look at the above review.


literature review (plan,search and evaluate)

for third week class, me and my partner need to write a journal based on the topic in assignment 1.
so the journal should be related with the first topic that we had done in our first assignment which is Mobile Learning (m-learning).
all we need to do is to select two articles from UKM  subscription research database.

1) one article from google scholar2) one from
from that articles, we need to identify the problems based on our first assignment, Mobile Learning. 
the next thing is, by using OpenOffice Writer a report should be write and the last one is, upload the files into our yahoogroup.

bye peeps!

Monday 25 July 2011


this week me and my partner, amalina fatin have been discussing and struggle a lot but unfortunately we update about the course/learning management system (CMS/LMS)
 a bit late.

seems that i'm quite lagging in updating this blog,
it's better we straight to the main point which is about the studying 
(what, why, who, where and how) of course/learning management

Learning Management System is designed keeping an eye on the corporate learning market.
It makes the courses available, makes enrollments and develops its confirmation, checks learner eligibility, develops reminders of class schedules, records course completion, develops tests, communicates the completion of the course to the learner's employer and generates follow-up correspondence to the learner.


* A software application or Web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process. A learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance. 
It may also provide students with the ability to use interactive features such as threaded discussions, video conferencing, and discussion forums. Optional LMS features may include a built-in authoring tool, chat boards, and discussion boards.

WHY use (CMS/LMS) ?

* help students come to class prepared
* get students to interact in greater depth with subject matter before class
* deliver the 'what' material outside of class time
* improved communication
* assist collaborative learning

WHO use (CMS/LMS) ?

* some institutions rather than purchasing a CMS or adopting an open source solutions have used a combination of homegrown solutions plus vendor supplied solutions which together add up to some or all of the functionality found in complete CMS.

WHERE are the likely impacts?

The boundaries between the CMS with other institutional systems will be blurred. Much as the OKI initiative envisions, CMS vendors will try to have either provide end to end solutions and/or they will adhere to standards such as those offered by OKI, IMS,
 SCORM (Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model) and others.

HOW are CMS evolving?

as the market for these products improved and the fundamental technology matures, CMS are becoming increasingly more sophisticated both in their architecture and in their feature set. In other word, there's a strong shift to a more open architecture for these systems which will in turn allow for the creation of a marketplace of third-party applications that can be integrated into the core system as modules.

 There's also a trend to enable increasingly seamless integration with other major campus information systems :
- the student record system
- the campus portal
- the library system

The basic functions of LMS :

* registration of learners
* tracking participation in courses
*conducting follow-up discussions
*fee processing and fee transfer among departments
* schedule courses
*managing skills
*managing blended learning

Learning Management System and Course Management System cannot replace each other because of the different learning activities that they support though academic and corporate learning have gone the electronic way. 
It's important to know that education is gaining long term knowledge while training is gaining knowledge for immediate application.


On topic Course/Learning Management System (C/LMS),
it enables a better understanding and placement into jobs or further study.
at the first place, i felt it so difficult to understand but 
after did some researches and discussion with my partner, it becomes clearer to me.
i just know that LMS is a learner-centric and it focuses on e-learning process management and content delivery. 

week 2 (reflection on topic of Mobile Learning)

what comes into your mind when speak about mobile learning?
as for me,
it sure has something to do with handphone, laptop and devices that connect us with others right.

well then, i understood and know more about mobile learning which also known as m-learning after did some research on this interesting topic.
do you?  (^_^)

it was exciting to know that m-learning did increase the efficiency of the learning process and supports collaborative learning.

well guys,
don't just folding your hand and do nothing about this!
sure you don't want to be like jack in a box right?

do some exploration while you can!

Thursday 14 July 2011

Mobile Learning (m-learning) -2nd week-

               Mobile learning (m-learning) is new but it is growing in visibility and significance. There are four types of learning systems which include the mobile learning after conventional, instructional and electronic learning. For the purpose of the study, mobile learning which also known as ‘m-learning’ is defined as ‘using mobile and wireless technologies to support students in a blended learning environment’. Mobile learning also can be defined as ‘any educational provision where the sole or dominant technologies are handheld or palmtop devices'. This definition means that mobile learning could include mobile phones, smartphones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and their peripherals, perhaps tablet PCs and laptop PCs but not desktops in carts and other similar solutions.

               Besides, the practice of mobile learning currently exploits both handheld computers and mobile phones. Mobile learning covers the delivery and support of learning using mobile phones and in the last five years, mobile phones have steadily assumed a place in further and higher education in USA, Far East/Pacific Rim and UK, supporting distance learners and part-time students. As the distance education started more and more proliferating, it had to make more and more use of information communication technology (ICT). In fact it has already crossed a stage wherein ICT became an indispensable part of distance education. This is true from 3rd generation of distance education onwards. Thus the wedlock of distance education and ICT has been already endorsed and is universally accepted.

               Other than that, the usage of ICT is also proceeding towards maturity starting its journey from print and audio to intelligent computerized system.  E-mail and discussion forums are used exhaustively nowadays. ICT not only has its implications for developmental and academic activities, but also a crucial role to perform in operational activities. When it comes to the options in ICT, there have been discussions on possible usage of mobile learning as a step ahead of e-learning. If one looks into the 
comparative figures of users of Internet and mobile, it can be understood that mobile could be the best possible media for communicating quick and small chunks of information to the learners.

Table from the study : 
Effectiveness of Mobile Learning in Distance Education

               The mobility of  media with the user without much technological pre-requisites is a crucial aspect of the mobile which goes much ahead of Internet. This particular aspect has tremendous implications in operational activities of distance education. Mobile learning has lot of potential for quick and wide reaching out to the geographically wide-spread learners, even though they have no Internet connectivity. As for the conventional classroom learning, it has certain weaknesses. Based on a survey’s result from two hundred undergraduate students on the problems faced in conventional classrooms, specific mobile learning applications are being developed for students and instructors which could be used on a Pocket PC, notebook and mobile phone. A variety of instructional application have been provided such as classroom chat room, collaborative text editor, synchronization of power point slides, accessing on line courseware on a mobile device, sending and receiving feedback, email and accessing to remote computing resources. The system allows the instructor to give on line assessments in class, which are graded instantly and the learning objects are proposed to keep track of learning activity effectively.

               Similar to e-Learning, mobile technologies can also be interfaced with many other media like audio, video, the Internet, and so forth. Mobile learning is more interactive, involves more contact, communication and collaboration with people. The increasing and ubiquitous use of mobile phones provides a viable avenue for initiating contact and implementing interventions pro-actively. For instance, Short Message Service (SMS) is highly cost-effective and very reliable method of communication. It is less expensive to send an SMS than to mail a 7reminder through regular postal mail, or even follow-up via a telephone call. Besides SMS, distance learners can use mobile phones/ MP3 players to listen to their course lectures, and for storage and data transfer. Today the more and more rapid development of the ICT contributes to the increasing abilities of the mobile devices (cell phones, smart phones, PDAs, laptops) and wireless communications, which are the main parts of the mobile learning. On the other hand for the implementation of mobile learning it is necessary to use a corresponding system for the management of such type of education. 

               When people are using the laptop while walking, it is not classified as a mobile learning but then it is a mlearning when they are using it in a static place or maybe in a car (environment factor). This example was given by Mr Tg Norazlan during Computer in Education’s class yesterday so I include it together here.

Below are the references that you can refer to :

Monday 11 July 2011

First Week Class

Assalamualaikum and good morning peeps!

For the subject GGGE1155, Computer in Education under supervision of 
Mr Tg Norazlan Tg Sulaiman
which is about explore, create and excell 
helps a lot in improving the acquisition using the computer.

during the first week class,
we need to register two emails : yahoo and google then after that
 register official facebook account.

these are the steps that need to be done :

1) register official email (google and yahoo accounts)

by the way,
to put your signature just click at Yahoo : mail option > signature ; google : setting.
- full name
- programme B.Ed TESL
- institution

(click to enlarge)

2) Netiquette
send the ethical email to course coordinator and lecturer.

3) register official facebook account

the purpose of doing so,
we can share any useful information though we're far away, discuss about the topic and assignment together.
that's the uses of the private group which is created as an electronic group discussion.

4) Electronic group discussion

- create facebook group
- join a yahoogroups

besides, we need to create our own yahoogroup for web portfolio.
and by using either one of the email,
we create an official blog which concerning our topic on computer in education.

5) Blog registration

that's how the technology works.
if you can't catch up the technology nowadays,
then you'll be left behind!

that all for now.
wait for the next entry guys!